Gino Vecchi


A voyager, an artist, a poet



Beyond the Ocean



Beyond the Ocean" (original title "Al di là dell'Oceano") is the sole book of Gino Vecchi, published for the market by editors Nuova Editrice Genovese for and on behalf of AS.C.AR., the Catholic Association of Artists of Genoa, which holds the relevant copyright.


Rules concerning copyright don't permit, at this stage, the publication of its full contents on this web site.


Nevertheless, despite the book was printed in a different layout, it actually consists of the poems' collection previously published privately by Gino Vecchi himself, on his issue "Pictures & poems" (original title "Poesie e Figure"), synthesis of his literary experience in Latin America.


Thanks to his book "Beyond the Ocean", issued in 1992 with the occasion of Columbus celebrations in Genoa for the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, Gino Vecchi was signaled to the former President of the Italian Republic Mr. Scalfaro who then awarded him the government title of Knight for the Merit, on the 2nd June 1993.


Copies of "Beyond the Ocean", in the original edition, are available at the main public libraries in Genoa, Milan, Venice.


Particularly, book's references can also be found on-line on the web site of the Marciana library of Venice: by clicking on the following image connected to the concerned link, you can rapidly trace the relevant code and where the hard copy of this book is actually under custody. 


Those who are interested to get copies of this book, can contact editors directly, as follows: 


© Nuova Editrice Genovese
    Galleria Mazzini, 3/3
    Phone  +39  010 583609
    For and on behalf of AS.C.AR.
    Associazione Cattolica Artisti
    (Catholic Association of Artists)



